Sunday, 19 September 2010

Touching Base

Ever the proactive, forward thinker, the moment things got volatile Michael took swift, decisive action and left the building.

As the windows flashed by Michael saw cubes of industrious workers, tapping out their analyses like galley slaves.

Happy now, but not long before the graphs started to plummet and blood pressures to rise.

He'd thought, briefly, that perhaps things wouldn't turn out badly.

Then Mother Nature coughed up a category five hurricane that tossed the Gulf like a petulant cop.

The losses on his oil futures bet would probably be in the tens of billions by now.

Michael caught the eye of a girl, probably a PA, answering the first of many calls. He smiled weakly as her eyes widened.

He met the pavement at a velocity and angle of attack that was, perhaps fortunately, both swift and decisive.

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