
Chapter one, where I explain what I'm doing. Or do I?

Twitter gives you 140 characters to express a thought, a feeling; share a link or what you had for breakfast.

This conciseness of  form appealed and I thought it would make a great writing exercise.

Following Strunk and White's exhortation to omit needless words, I have challenged my self to produce stories of no more than 140 of them.

Can you tell a story in so small a space, with hardly any room for backstory, character development and precious little time for action? Can I resolve all my conflicts?

I hope to find out and I expect along the way I'll have some success and many amusing and painful failures.

I had originally planned to do one a day, but on sober reflection decided that I'll attempt 365. One for every day of the year; but if I choose to post three on one day and have the weekend off I reserve the right to do so.

My reading habits and interests dictate that the tales I tell will likely be nasty; in places ugly and brutish.

I hope that doing this will extend my range, but one thing is for certain, they'll all be short so any pain will only be fleeting.